The Brand

The Magic of Ibiza in a bottle
All natural, vegan and cruelty free products that balance body, mind and soul. Crema de Ibiza was born out of one simple wish: being able to take Ibiza’s magic back home. A wish became a bottle and years of extensive research resulted in a range of truly unique skincare products. Crema de Ibiza combines the perfect balance of effective oils and skin-loving ingredients to let your skin glow every day. Our specially formulated all-natural perfume makes you feel like you are right back on the sunny island with just a scent - truly magical.

Free Spirit Skin Care
We believe that body, mind and soul are connected and that a personal self-care routine greatly improves your overall wellbeing. Our philosophy is rooted in a sense of freedom and self expression, just like the magical island of Ibiza that has been attracting free spirits for decades. We invite you to use our products to create a conscious routine for yourself, one that brings you joy and lets your beauty shine from the inside out. Self-care and self love go hand in hand, take care of yourself with Crema de Ibiza’s products and let your free spirit sparkle.
But to us, free spirit skincare also means that our products are free of any harmful ingredients – to humans, animals and the planet. That’s why all our products are all-natural, vegan, cruelty free, palm oil free and paraben & silicone free. You are free and we believe that your skincare should be too. To ensure our products are worry-free, we’ve decided to remove environmentally unfriendly ingredients and common allergy triggers in skincare. That means no parabens, no sulfates, no silicones, no bees wax, no palm oil, no allergy triggers, no synthetic perfume, no foaming agents and no drying alcohols.
Ibiza is an island where you can freely be yourself – and we want to carry out that philosophy with our skincare. You know better than anyone how to take care of yourself and self-love is the ultimate form of beauty.

Our logo: The Hamsa hand
The Hamsa is a symbolic hand which can be found in all cultures and religions around the world. But what makes it so special is that everywhere it has the same meaning: protection and blessing. This makes the hamsa unique, just like Crema de Ibiza. The hamsa is also said to represent the four elements; water, earth, fire and air, which are connected by spirit, the fifth element. Other cultures believe it to represent the chakras through which energy flows and the five senses.
A hamsa hand that is facing up (like our logo) protects you from bad energy. Not only does it ward off negativity from others, but also your own negativity toward yourself. Let our products help protect your skin and bless your personal routine, as we believe in practicing self-love and self care. Love yourself & others, no matter how different we may be.